sábado, 12 de mayo de 2012

How Do I Improve English by Songs?

Student of English as a second language usually work grammar exercises and read stories in English. They practice writing compositions in English for their teacher to correct, and take English conversation classes or look for opportunities to practice speaking with others. If you want to supplement all these methods and make learning English more enjoyable, use songs to learn English. Listening to English songs can help improve your listening, vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar in English.


    • 1
      Pick music you like and can mostly understand. Whether you like folk, rock or pop, select CDs or recordings by your favorite artists. Start out with songs that don't stretch your abilities too much; you can use harder ones later. If you still have a low level of English, start with traditional folk tunes or even children's songs. Some classic rock groups such as the Beatles also play songs with simple lyrics.
    • 2
      Listen to the songs to improve your listening comprehension and vocabulary. If you understand a lot the first time, you should eventually understand almost everything with continued repetitions. If you cannot understand even after repeated listening, get the sheet music or lyrics to help you. You will acquire useful, everyday vocabulary and idiomatic expressions from your favorite music.
    • 3
      Sing along with your favorite English songs to improve your pronunciation. For best results, sing out loud; don't just think the words. You will learn the rhythm of English and the contractions that most native speakers use in natural speech. If you feel self-conscious, just sing aloud at home and in the car.
    • 4
      Continue listening and singing your favorites until you have them memorized. Then you will acquire the structure of English the same way you acquired your native language: by hearing and using it. Language acquisition expert and author S.D. Krashen considers natural grammar learning more effective than dry exercises.
    • 5
      Increase your efficiency by learning English with songs. Whenever you exercise, drive the car, work in the house or do yard work, listen to English songs. Sing along whenever you can, and you will maximize your English study time. Keep a variety of recordings on hand so that you never get bored.
    • 6
      Socialize with English songs.
      Socialize with songs in English. Dance with friends or family to English dance songs. Play some English CDs for a sing-along with a group of friends. Better yet, if you or a friend can play piano or guitar, get out some sheet music and sing your favorite rock songs, folk songs, holiday tunes or pop tunes. You can have fun and learn English at the same time.

      English Report about how to improve your English by listening/singing songs.

      Tom's diner by Suzanne Vega

Teaching Kids to Write the English Alphabet

A good teacher of English as a second language offers a well-rounded learning experience for the students. This includes reading and writing as well as speaking and listening. Those teaching children in countries that don't use the English alphabet face an additional challenge -- the students don't know the English letters. Learning to to write the English alphabet requires a lot of repetition. In time, though, your students will be able to write in Englis


    • 1
      Use flash cards to introduce the letters of the alphabet. Students won't learn to write the alphabet without some type of context to help them understand the meaning. Show them the letters and make the sound, including a few words that start with that letter. For example, you might say, "D...d...d...dog. Doll. Door."
    • 2
      Pass out writing worksheets to the students. These should include three lines for proper spacing of the letters, a demonstration of how to write the letter, a few dashed practice letters for the students to trace and ample space to practice their own writing. If possible, choose a worksheet that also includes a picture of a word that starts with that letter.
    • 3
      Demonstrate how to write the letter on the board. It can help to say what you're doing as you write. For example, when writing an "A" you might say, "Down. Down. Across."
    • 4
      Allow the students to practice writing their letters.
    • 5
      Walk around the classroom as students work. Offer help to any student who seems to be struggling.
    • 6
      Repeat with new letters each class.
    • 7
      Practice writing without guides, as students begin to master the letters.

      Alphabet Flash Card

      Alphabet Flash Card
      Printable Alphabet Flash Card
How to Teach English to Adults
By an eHow Contributor
Learning English is essential to surviving in the United States and other English-speaking countries. Teaching English is a valuable skill because of the large number of adults who need to speak English for business or personal needs. Here we will help you to learn how to teach English to adults

Steps to teach english to adults.

    • 1
      Divide your lessons up into units. Units may include, shopping, driving, working the home or anything that might suit the needs of your specific students.
    • 2
      Bring in props to teach vocabulary words. For example, in a unit about shopping, you can bring canned goods, clothing and shopping bags.
    • 3
      Act out scenes. Create a script of a situation, like going to the movies. Use pictures to help the students understand the scenes. Write simple dialogue, such as "Jean is going to the movies." Your dialogue should include the vocabulary words that you have already taught. Ask your students to act out the scenes.
    • 4
      Work in teams. Students can pair up, asking and answering phrases in English for practice. A sample question for a shopping unit could be, “What did you buy from the store?” Each student in the team can answer the question beginning with the words “I bought.” It may be beneficial for students who work in teams to speak the same native language. That way, the students will be able to understand the relationship between their language and English.
    • 5
      Use flashcards. Put words on flashcards and label items in the room with the flashcards. This is another method to teach vocabulary.
    • 6
      Watch movies. Show a in a different language with English subtitles. Continually rewind the movie and ask the students to read the text in English.
    • 7
      Read books. Use fiction and English workbooks and textbooks with activities to teach grammar and word relationships. Students can complete homework assignments out of the books to practice reading and writing English.
    • 8
      Practice English. Practice English every day with your adult learner. If you do not see the person every day, ask the adult learner to practice at home.
